Mentors are an integral part of S.O.S.’s holistic approach to education. The women in prison program lack access to basic resources needed to complete their business plan, such as computers and internet. In addition, most women in prison are isolated, and go months or even years without a visitor. The prospect of release is exciting, but also stressful as they consider getting a job, housing, and re-connecting with their children and society in general. The one-on-one mentor relationship provides a helping hand and friendly face during the critical transition months.
S.O.S. will also offer the opportunity to mentor one-on-one Virtual Entrepreneurship Academy participants. Mentors are an important part of the success of our students. As a mentor, you will be another resource in the toolbox for our program participants in navigating their entrepreneurial journey.
​Mentors are asked to commit, at a minimum, to the following:
In-Person Citizen Mentors: More information will be provided. First year post-release; More information will be provided. Virtual Mentors: More information will be provided.
Communication in between visits/meetings to assist with basic internet research needed for coursework.
Providing guidance, encouragement, and support to their mentees as they navigate the difficult transition from prison to community.
Mentors are encouraged to engage much more intimately with their mentees than this summary requires; in fact, many of our mentorship pairs become close and remain friends for years. While still in prison, women rely on their mentors to help them conduct research for their entrepreneurship classes, and outside of prison, women often call on their mentors both in times of need and celebration.
Interested in making the difference in someone’s life?
Please fill out the Application to become a Mentor. Chosen mentors will receive an in-depth orientation before beginning a relationship.